Nigel Osborne’s Summer School (7/9/2009)

On 7 September, Ambassador Tatham visited the "Land of Friendship Peace” Foundation in Kakrinje near Sarajevo, where for the last three years, Professor Nigel Osborne from the University of Edinburgh, with support of his students and the Opera Circus, has been organising the summer school for children from the “Los Rosales” orphanage in Mostar.

“We were all delighted to be visited by the British Ambassador Michael Tatham, representatives from the British Council, the Director of the Education Department at the OSCE Mission to BiH, Claude Kieffer, the Deputy High Representative Chris Bennett, Alpha Woodward, music therapist and ex director of the Mostar Music Therapy Centre, Laura Hassler, Director of Musicians without Borders International from the Netherlands and Baya Corlija, Director of MwB BiH. We thank them for their time and by visiting us, their recognition of the value of the work that we are all developing together. By working together we hope to encourage interest and eventually support for our expertise in this field. We are encouraging involvement from the more senior and governmental organisations who share our interest in a democratic and successful future for not only Bosnia and Herzegovina, but for other countries who find themselves in a similar state of affairs,” said Tina Ellen Lee, Artistic Director of the Opera Circus.

2 komentara

  1. jeste mlogo je zanimljivo u kakrinju kod ovih humanitaraca,, samo da znate da ovi bjelosvjetski hostapleri prave probleme svoim komsijama… vodu koja him je zajednicka sa prvim komsijom nedaju mu a nihovi prvi komsije su dvije stare osobe preko 70 godina a imaju pravo na polovinu vode….. tako se prekrivaju plastom humanosti i pricaju o pomoci djece u bosni a jos se niko nije pitao koliko su samo zgrnuli para preko njihovih humanih djela i pranja prljavog novca iz luksemburga i francuske i jos puno prljavih stvari koje se desavaju u prostorijama nihog hotela ,,,, iskreno se nadam da ce jednoga dana istina izaci na vidjelo,,,, a ti bjelosvjetski hostapleri naci mir u zatvorskim celijama iz kojih ih nikada nebi trebalo pustiti
